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                Welcome to Greatoo Intelligent Equipment Inc.


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                Greatoo and Institutional Investors Launched Face-To-Face Exchange Activities


                In recent years, Greatoo has continuously optimized and expanded the channels and forms of communication with investors, such as strengthening voluntary information disclosure as a supplement and deepening of mandatory information disclosure; actively arranging company promotion, on-site research, etc.; actively using multimedia software management to optimize investor relationship management. On May 18, 2018, in order to facilitate exchanges with investors, the company participated in a face-to-face exchange between listed companies and institutional investors organized by the Guangdong Association of Listed Companies at the Zhujiang Hotel in Guangzhou. Wu Hao, director of the company's board of directors, vice president, secretary of the board of directors, and Yang Junjun, the director, attended the event. More than 200 institutional investors such as GF Fund, Dacheng Fund, Zhongrong Fund, Ping An Insurance from all over the country participated in the event.

                Secretary of the Board of Directors Wu Hao and Director Yang Yujun made comprehensive and in-depth exchanges with investors of various institutions on investor concerns, including the overall development of the company, the development of tires and equipment, and the development of the robot industry. During the exchange process, investors learned that while consolidating the traditional main business, the company relied on industrial advantages and technological accumulation to vigorously develop the emerging automation and intelligent industries, further explored the industrial 4.0 equipment field, and developed high-end intelligence packages such as industrial robots. The equipment has successfully developed serialized light-load and heavy-duty robot molding products and complete sets of equipment for different operation contents for various specifications and models, and has made breakthroughs in key components and is accelerating industrialization. At the same time, investors also expressed strong interest in the future development prospects of the company. The field of robotic intelligent equipment will serve as an important engine for the company's industrial innovation and sustainable development. The company will continue to improve production, sales, and technology research and development. Through the establishment of demonstration effects, it will foster new market space and tap potential markets at multiple levels. The use of the favorable situation in which the brand awareness of the company’s products has gradually increased has driven product sales, accelerated the pace of automation and intelligent transformation and upgrading, and continuously increased the market share and competitiveness of smart equipment.

                In this exchange activity, the company and investors realized zero-distance communication, demonstrated the integrity and sunshine of the listed company, enabled investors to have a clearer and more rational understanding of the development of the Greatoo and further enhanced their confidence and determination in investing in theGreatoo.